Why Laurie is known as the "Official Witch of Salem"?
In the mid nineteen seventies, Governor Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts, bestowed upon Laurie Cabot the state's Patriot Award. This historical award is issued by the Governor to honor citizens of the state for public service which leads to the betterment, enrichment and welfare of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Patriot's Award is given to Civic leaders, Distinguished Civil Servants, Community Leaders and others who are dedicated in a significant way to improving the lives of their fellow citizens and their community.
This award has been given since the early days of the Commonwealth and the recipient of the Patriot's Award has amongst other things, the privilege of grazing cows on the Boston Common, and wearing a tri-cornered hat. To the best of our knowledge Laurie has not done either thus far.
The proclamation is signed by the Governor and the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and it reads:
"I proclaim Laurie Cabot the Official Witch of Salem for her work with children with special needs."
Laurie's first official duty as a state Patriot residing in Salem, was to greet a delegation of artists who were visiting the city from China. The artists had been invited to the United States to display their art at the Boston Museum of Science, and were the first such group of artists to be invited to America after relations with China had been established by President Nixon.
While this certainly was a compliment to Laurie Cabot, it was and is today a symbol of hope for all Witches who do good works on behalf of their community and nation. Equally as important, it serves as a testament that Witches have a place in America today and are recognized as practicing a legitimate and honorable religion which shows a path of dedication for the good of all. This was the first time in history that a high standing politician openly recognized a Witch for their good works.